More letters from alumni
about Professor Natalie Davis
Praise for Professor
Natalie Zemon Davis
Now that I'm an "old
alum," I can't usually relate to the On the Campus articles
- but Annie Ruderman '01's "Driving Ms. Davis" (February
21) caught my eye - and my sentiments.
I wasn't a history major,
and I never took a history course other than History and Philosophy
of Science. But Professor Natalie Zemon Davis ran a fabulous (albeit
noncredit) multidisciplinary thesis seminar in 1980-81 in which
I participated, which was my most valuable educational experience.
This was before the creation of the women's studies department:
The seminar was announced in the Prince and invited students
from all departments to participate so long as their thesis topic
was related to a women's theme. Yes, all 12 participants were women.
I was the token science major (biology), but there were also econ
majors, sociology majors, philosophy and literature majors, and
of course history and politics. One woman was even writing a novel
for her thesis.
The seminar was not-for-credit
and convened once a week or every other. We started by introducing
ourselves and our topics and initially just brainstormed about ideas
about research directions (Remember: This was the day before the
Internet or even word processors - research was done manually, by
looking up publications in thick Index books), chapter outlines,
and new "angles." As our work progressed, we came to the
group prepared with specific challenges to address or read drafts
of our work for group comment, critique and input. As a result,
my thesis on "The Unnecessary Surgery Debate with respect to
Hysterectomy" wound up including a chapter on the historical
background of this issue, the political climate, the economic burden/perspective,
statistics, etc. . .and the biological and medical perspectives
wound up getting only one chapter each!
I don't remember many
of the other women who participated, but I know that most of us
said at the time that this seminar was the most valuable educational
experience we had at Princeton. I would also guess that most of
the women in that group received honors on their thesis projects.
. .and of course, the fact that we were collaborating motivated
each of us to give it our all (and we probably each felt that everyone
else's project was far superior than our own). The real honors due
here, of course, went to the unsung "heroine," Professor
Natalie Zemon Davis, who truly deserves her legendary reputation,
not only as a scholar, but as a mentor, and a teacher of the finest
I also don't know if
this seminar was ever reoffered, or if anything similar is going
on now that there's a women's studies department. I highly recommend
this type of a seminar, however, for every multidisciplinary topical
Donnica L. Moore '81
Station, N.J.
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