More letters from alumni
about Palestinian demonstration
in the Princetonian on-campus and alumni community, as in the media
and the nation, there is mostly unremitting and unqualified support
of what is taken to be "the Israeli position" and, equally,
the assumption that there is one "Palestinian" position:
"aggression" toward Israel.
First, each side in this
endless confrontation has many positions, ranging from unremitting
hostility to unremitting searches for accommodation. Or you could
say there are many "sides" and no "right" side.
Second, when were the
occupied ones, in any occupation in history, passively compliant
with conditions imposed by the occupier?
Third, how can it be
forgotten that the current Time of Troubles, with an 8-to-1 ratio
of Palestinian casualties over Israelis, began last September with
Sharon's provocative march with massive force toward Al Aqsa Mosque?
Fourth, let's knock off
convenient myths (to those pro-Israel) such as that Arafat "controls"
Palestinians and that Palestinian parents are sending their children
into the streets to throw rocks.
Charlton R. Price '48
Kansas City, Mo.
to this letter
a letter to PAW
PAW saw fit to run a piece featuring a photo of a group of guttersnipes
holding signs reading "in memory of the Victims of Israeli
Aggression," did it? I am wondering how come PAW does not also
run a piece commemorating the German victims of Jewish aggression
during World War II. After all, it makes just as much sense and
no doubt the same student protesters would endorse that demand as
Steven Plaut '78
Haifa, Israel
to this letter
a letter to PAW
most recent letterwriters (March 21) attempt to obscure the obvious.
Not only was the protest shown in your December 6 issue anything
but apolitical, but it was based upon an entirely false premise:
that there are "Victims of Israeli Aggression" to memorialize.
Just to review the facts,
the Palestinian Authority forswore violence as a means of achieving
its aims in 1993, for which it was rewarded with over 40,000 assault
weapons (paid with U.S. dollars). Then, following an impossibly
generous offer at Camp David by former Prime Minister Ehud Barak,
which would have given the Palestinians the state they desire, Arafat
abandoned negotiations - and started this round of violence.
Since then, suicide bombers
and trained snipers have both taken aim at Israeli civilians with
the PA's active support. To fire back, be that for self-defense
or even retaliation, is not aggression. As for the writer who called
the idea that "Palestinian mothers will send their children
to be shot" a "reflection of Palestinian depravity"
- I cannot disagree. Unfortunately, however, he would do well not
to obscure reality by ridiculing the idea. Palestinian children
have been quoted saying that they want to grow up and be a "shaheed"
(martyr) while yet in their mothers' arms. And that is exactly what
Israeli soldiers confront every day: terrorist gunmen callously
using stone-throwing children as human shields.
Ken Menken '86
Baltimore, Md.
to this letter
a letter to PAW
take issue with each of the three letters you published (March 12)
attacking the criticism PAW received for its Snapshot coverage of
a Palestinian protest. The authors decry Israeli "aggression"
while describing the Palestinian people as a "victim,"
whose acceptance of Israel's existence has not resulted in reciprocity
from the Israeli side.
Actually, it was the
Palestinian side that began and is continuing this latest uprising.
In signing the Oslo accords, Yasser Arafat committed the Palestinian
leadership to the renunciation of violence in the pursuit of its
political aims. At Camp David last summer, Ehud Barak offered the
Palestinians control of virtually all of the West Bank, Gaza, and
East Jerusalem in the context of a sovereign Palestinian state.
This offer far outreached any made up to that point by an Israeli
Arafat rejected the offer,
as was his right, but rather than make a counter-offer consistent
with his renunciation of violence, he chose to launch a violent
confrontation in the hopes of galvanizing international support
for the Palestinians and imposing a solution more to his liking
on Israel. The resulting casualties, Palestinian and Israeli, are
the direct result of Mr. Arafat's decision.
Having chosen violence,
the Palestinians cannot legitimately claim to be victims (except,
perhaps, of the folly of their own leadership). No one on the Israeli
side wants to continue fighting, but Israel will and must continue
to protect its own citizens when they come under attack. Israeli
soldiers aren't sent to kill "unarmed children," but what
exactly is the outcome sought by the Palestinian militiamen who
shoot at Israelis from within throngs of rock- and firebomb-throwing
Nor have Palestinians
"accepted the fact of Israel's existence." A look at the
textbooks and maps used in Palestinian grade schools will show no
acknowledgment of Israel's presence. Palestinian intellectual leaders
continue to inveigh against the legitimacy of Israel, while political
and religious leaders incite to violence. And Palestinian bombs
continue to explode in Israeli cities, while Israeli motorists are
gunned down on the highways (with weapons provided to the Palestinians
by Israel in the context of the Oslo accords!), with no condemnation
from Arafat or his subordinates.
If the Palestinian leadership
truly wants peace and coexistence with Israel, it will find a willing
partner on the Israeli side. The decision must be made, however,
to stop the shootings and the bombings and denounce from the highest
levels violence and incitement. Alternatively, the Palestinian leadership
could opt to continue with armed confrontation. If it does so, however,
it should not expect Israel to negotiate under fire, and its supporters
should not cry foul when Israeli countermeasures are taken.
Mitch Schwaber '86
B oston, MA and Jerusalem, Israel
to this letter
a letter to PAW
three apologists for the "non-political" pro-Palestinian
protestors (Letters, March 21) fail to understand the definition
of the term "aggression."
When a first person fires
bullets, throws bombs, or drives a bus at a second person, the first
person commits "aggression."
When the second person,
being shot at, fires back, that is not "aggression," even
if an innocent bystander is accidentally shot in the process.
Unfortunately, essentially
all of the deaths - of both Israelis and Palestinians - arose as
a result of attacks initiated by Palestinians, to which the Israeli
Army responded.
When a Palestinian youth
was accidentally killed in the cross-fire of a battle initiated
by Palestinians, the Palestinian propaganda machine ran overtime,
but when an 10-month-old Israeli baby was killed in a playground
in March 2001 by a Palestinian sniper aiming at civilians, the world
There is no moral equivalence
between intentional Palestinian attacks on civilians and military
targets alike and Israeli Army efforts to counterattack, with the
intent of firing back only against those firing at them or civilians.
The most telling fact
is that an Israeli (even a soldier) who fired intentionally at noncombatant
Palestinian civilians would be vilified by most Israelis and likely
prosecuted, while Palestinian "civilians" who intentionally
sought to kill Israeli civilians have been repeatedly hailed as
heroes and martyrs.
Louis J. Hoffman '81
to this letter
a letter to PAW
one of the letterwriters criticized by Sumaiya Hamdani in the March
21 issue of PAW, I am outraged by Hamdani's attempt to label criticism
of Palestinian battle tactics "racist." No one alleged
that the Palestinians have an "itch for violence," but
it is fair to say that their leaders have selected morally reprehensible
means for attaining their ends.
It is no coincidence
that youth constitute a disproportionate number of Palestinian casualties.
This is the direct result of a conscious, cowardly decision by Palestinian
leadership to move children to the front line as sacrifices in a
public relations campaign for international support. Similar disregard
for the value of human life is shown in the use by Palestinian forces
of the homes of unarmed Palestinians to shell Israeli personnel
and property. The New York Times recently reported on the
hardship this "human shield" approach has caused the innocent
occupants of these buildings.
About 25 years ago, the
United Nations shamed itself in attempting to equate Zionism with
racism. Rather than engaging in baseless sloganeering, Hamdani would
be better served questioning whether Palestinian ends justify every
means. There is nothing racist about questioning Arafat's launching
of his "children's army" when confronted with Ehud Barak's
sweeping Israeli peace proposal.
Dror Futter '86
to this letter
a letter to PAW