A letter from a reader
about Li Shaomin arrest
February 25, Li Shaomin, a scholar who earned his Ph.D. from Princeton,
was arrested in Shenzhen, China. Li Shaomin is an American citizen,
like his wife, Liu Yingli, and 9-year-old daughter, Diana, who've
suffered untold anguish since his "detention." He was
recently charged with espionage by the Chinese government. Li Shaomin
represents all that America could ask for in a citizen, yet he languishes,
in China.
Upon completion of his
doctoral work at Princeton postdoctoral stint at Harvard, Shaomin
joined my staff at AT&T. His ready smile and keen intellect
won him many friends -- I am honored to be numbered among them.
Recently, 100 of his
colleagues at the City University of Hong Kong sent a petition to
Jiang Zemin seeking his release. Over 250 people in the Princeton
community sent a petition to China's ambassador with a similar request,
and President Shapiro of Princeton University sent a letter to Jiang
Zemin expressing his concern. Despite this, press coverage of Shaomin's
plight has been comparatively scant.
Americans believe, and
take pride in a tradition of a vigilant press and a responsive government.
But where is that vigilance and action in Shaomin's case? Unlike
the intense negotiations that surrounded the crewmen in Hainan,
or the calls of President Bush and Secretary Powell for Ms. Gao's
release, Shaomin seems to be slipping off the radar screen of his
adopted country.
We have developed a web
site that simplifies the signing of petitions to China's Ambassador
to the US, and to the entire New Jersey Congressional Delegation.
The URL is http://www.atdinc.com/Li_Shaomin_petition_FR.htm
I am outraged by Li Shaomin's
illegal detention, and my sentiments are shared by his many friends
and colleagues.
Americans believe that
we take care of our own. Can this truly be said to pertain to the
case of Li Shaomin? He is one of us.
Salvatore F. Cordo
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