More letters from alumni
about Third World Center
New name for Third
World Center
For the past
nine years, I have been living in Indonesia. I am the proud father
of a mixed-race baby, as well as two step-children who differ from
me in nationality, ethnicity, race, religion, and gender. Therefore,
I feel somewhat qualified to speak about human diversity and the
Third World.
I praise Princeton's Third World Center for its promotion of cultural
pluralism and mutual respect. However, I question the accuracy of
organization's name and the relevance of the justification offered
at the
TWC Web site: "in our name we align ourselves with the struggles
of Third
World peoples."
it is historically accurate to lump American ethnic minorities
with populations in their ancestral countries, the divergence increases
with each generation. In many cases, people of color are socially,
financially, and politically better off today than they were in
1971. Most
empathize with their fellow Americans in worldview and I dare say
that few
consider themselves to be allied with the real Third World.
years have passed since student activists spurred the university
establish our TWC. I'd hate to see outdated radical rhetoric enshrined
as a
timeless tradition. I respectfully suggest that the Governance Board
Princeton's Third World Center adapt to their surroundings by adopting
more relevant name for the organization. Something along the lines
Center for Cultural Pluralism would be more accurate.
Martin A. Schell '74
Klaten, Central Java
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