Web Exclusives: Service points
June 2002
Jennifer Parmelees years at Princeton reinforced her
passion for journalism and international affairs. After working
as a foreign correspondent for the AP and the Washington Post
for 11 years, Parmelee 80 engaged in the most meaningful and
challenging endeavor of her professional life helping to
set up Ethiopias first independent, college-level program
in journalism.
Currently, she works at Voice of America (www.voanews.com),
which broadcasts in 53 languages around the world. Parmelee directs
an hour of broadcasting each day through the Horn of Africa Service,
which broadcasts in three languages (Amharic, Afan Oromo, and Tigrigna)
to millions of listeners in Ethiopia, Eritrea, and the diaspora
from that region.
Working with a broadcasting team of 18 journalists, primarily from
Ethiopia and Eritrea, Parmelee serves one of the most conflict-ridden
and information-deprived regions in the world.
"I subscribe to the conventional wisdom that democratic societies
provide the best framework for peace and development," says
Parmelee. However, no democracy will take root without healthy and
independent media to encourage transparency, fight corruption, heighten
awareness and communication, and encourage public debate on the
Parmelee lives on DC's Capitol Hill with husband Tsegaye Hidaru
and daughters Sarafina, 6, and Sophie, 1.
By Jenny Lindquist Orten
