Princeton Ballroom Competition

Saturday Dec 7, 2024
Follow Us on Instagram Here!

Registration opens Nov 1 and closes Nov 30 for the 2024 competition.

We look forward to seeing you!


8:00 AM Doors Open
8:30 AM Smooth
9:30 AM Standard
Viennese Waltz
1:10 PM Rhythm
2:30 PM Latin
4:00 PM Pre-Champ/Open


Nov 1 - Nov 11 Early: Student (40) Adult (50)
Nov 12 - Nov 26 Regular: Student (45) Adult (55)
Nov 27 - Nov 30 Late: Student (50) Adult (60)


Events: The following events are subject to change depending on the number of registrations for each level or event.

Events Smooth Standard Rhythm Latin
Newcomer W, T, F W, T, Q C, R, Sw C, R, J
Bronze W, T, F, Vw W, T, F, Q C, R, Sw, M C, R, S, J
Silver W/T, F/Vw W/Q, F/T C/R, Sw/M C/R, S/J
Gold W/T, F/Vw W/Q, F/T C/R, Sw/M C/R, S/J
All ----- Vw B P
Pre-champ ----- W/T/F/Q, Vw ----- C/R/S/J, P
Open W/T/F/Vw W/T/Vw/F/Q C/R/Sw/M/B S/C/R/P/J
Key Foxtrot (F); Quickstep (Q); Tango (T)
Waltz (W); Viennese Waltz (Vw)
Bolero (B); Cha-Cha (C); Jive (J); Mambo (M)
Paso Doble (P); Rumba (R); Samba (S); Swing (Sw)


***Registration is not yet open for 2024*** -->

Click here to register for the competition or edit your registration!

Confused about how to fill out the registration form? Click here for instructions.

To confirm which events you have registered for, click here. Note that the schedule is not finalized.

If you are looking for a partner to TBA with, you have two options:

  • Use this sheet to find a partner on your own (please remember to remove yourself once you've found a partner)
  • Or select TBA as your partner on the registration page (Click on "Add competitor to lists" and search for, then select a TBA number that is not already linked)

We are looking for volunteers! A $20 discount will be applied to your registration fee for EACH volunteer shift you sign up for. See this link to sign up for shifts, and make sure to select the corresponding number of shifts in Step 5 of the Registration page in order to apply the discount.

  • Student: Any full-time high school, undergraduate, or graduate student
  • Adult: Any non-student amateur
  • Double registration in two consecutive levels is allowed in silver and above. A single couple can register in silver and gold, but not in silver and bronze. Open couples can register for free if they only dance in the Open level.
  • Multi-level couples must dance at the level of the more advanced partner.
  • A dancer may register for bronze and silver only if he/she dances with different partners and neither of these partners is double-registered.
  • Same-sex partnerships are allowed.
  • Costumes are allowed in Bronze and above.
  • There are no restrictions on age or affiliation. Youth, adult, and non-collegiate competitors are welcome.
  • All dancers must register for at least one event. Registration will be closed for individual events 30 minutes prior to that event.
  • Checks should be made out to Princeton University with 'Princeton Ballroom Dance Club' on the memo line.
  • Dancers will be charged based on the date of the latest edit to their registration information. (Example: If I register early for Bronze Smooth events, but decide to add Bronze Standard events to my registration during normal registration period, the overall fee will correspond to normal registration).
  • Dropping all events from a registration constitutes a cancellation of the registration.
  • Refunds will be determined according to the following:
    • Before Nov 14: 100%
    • Before Nov 21: 50%
    • Nov 21 and after or no shows otherwise: 0%
    • We reserve the right to turn away any competitors who have not paid by the start of the competition.


    • Dancers may compete in newcomer only if they started dancing after September 1st, 2024.
    • The accumulation of seven or more points in an event at a particular level according to the YCN point system makes a competitor ineligible to compete in that event/level.
    • The YCN points system will be used for all levels. Any dancers disobeying this system can be disqualified, even after the competition.

    Conduct and Liability

    The organizers have the right to eject anyone from the premises for unruly conduct or for violation of any of the rules or guidelines. Flagrant disregard of any of the rules or regulations will result in a mark down of placement or in a disqualification where necessary.

    Princeton University and the Princeton Ballroom Dance Club are not liable for any property lost or damage and injury or other misfortune that occurs during the competition.


    • Newcomer and Bronze: ISTD Bronze syllabus for International style, USISTD Bronze syllabus for American style. No continuity footwork.
    • Silver and Gold: ISTD Silver or Gold syllabus respectively for International style, and USISTD, DVIDA, FADS, AMDS Silver or Gold syllabus respectively or any other major syllabus for American style.
    • Syllabus Viennese Waltz and Paso Doble: ISTD Gold syllabus and below for International style, and USISTD, DVIDA, FADS, AMDS Gold syllabus and below or any other major syllabus for American style.

    Directions & Parking

  • Please park in West Parking Garage (orange "P" on the map). Parking is free for the weekend from Friday 5PM to Monday 5AM.
  • From West Parking Garage, walk up Pyne Drive to get to Dillon Gym (orange star on the map).

  • IMPORTANT: You must fill out this parking permit before you will be allowed to park.

  • View Dillon Gym in a larger map

    Contact & Housing


    If you need to stay in a local hotel, to the right is a non-comprehensive list of options.

    This year, we will be able to provide VERY limited housing. It will be distributed on a first come, first serve basis. Additional priority will be given to teams traveling a further distance. If you or your team needs housing, please fill out this form by Saturday November 18th.
    Form Here


    Our competition is proudly sponsored/affiliated with the following:

    Support for this project has been provided in part by Princeton University’s Lewis Center for the Arts and Projects Board.

    Nassau Inn
    Hampton Inn
    Holiday Inn
    Double Tree