Exclusives: Tooke's
a PAW web exclusive column by Wes Tooke '98 (email: cwtooke@princeton.edu)
16 , 2001:
Drop the Vote
Our columnist fails another civics lesson
By Wes Tooke '98
A few weeks ago I received
my copy of the Princeton Alumni Trustee ballot, which promptly migrated
from my mailbox to the trash can at a rate usually reserved for
credit card offers and grossly misdirected copies of Martha Stewart
Living. I gave neither the trustees nor the ballot any further thought
until a few days ago when one of the Princeton news groups started
debating the issue in an atypically rational way.
The discussion centered
on the phenomenon whereby three quarters of the alumni body gives
money to Princeton yet less than a quarter votes for the people
who will ultimately decide how that money will be spent. The online
critics of the current alumni voting system pointed out that the
university gives us virtually no information about the candidate,
ensuring that we, the uninformed public, have no way of knowing
whether or not we have a stake in the election.
I have to admit that
the odds I would ever feel as if I had a stake in the election are
fairly slim - every passing year I feel a little bit more removed
from university issues in which I used to be at least tangentially
interested. My opinion of the alumni trustee candidates roughly
mimics my opinion of the student government types while I was on
campus: I guess that someone has to do the job, and I'm glad that
there's a group of people who seem to want it.
The one fact that continually
amazed me during the year I worked at the PAW was the number of
passionate letters the magazine received from alumni on a wide variety
of issues. As the sports editor, I used to get a bimonthly vitriolic
letter from an alumnus who considered me the single dumbest human
being on the planet for my consistent failure to adequately cover
the fencing team. Yet despite his eloquence on the twin subjects
of swords and my intelligence, the fencing fan never wrote the PAW
on any other subject. He is a single-issue alumnus - and has probably
spent the last month pestering the trustee nominees about their
positions on purchasing new epee swords.
In fact, once you eliminate
the truly apathetic, I think that most of us have at least one thing
in common with the fencing fan. During our time at Princeton we
discovered a few things that we really cared about, and those are
the only issues that usually stir our blood. For my roommate, it's
the water polo teams - cut funding, and he's probably going to start
mixing fertilizer in my garage for a visit to the East Coast. For
me, it's a small group of teachers and friends. I have a vague interest
in the general health of the university, but I wouldn't cross the
street to learn about the latest endowment figures or plans to build
a new dormitory. So long as the university continues to pay competitive
rates to professors and attract interesting people, I'll withhold
my letters to the PAW.
And while I can understand
why my attitude might upset the alumni office, I can't think of
any reason why administrators at Princeton would want a truly attentive
alumni body - especially given that so many of us are already writing
checks. I'm perfectly content with a system under which professionals
make the decisions, yet are policed on individual issues by rabid
fencing and water polo fans. And all I ultimately want from an alumni
trustee is a promise that they'll listen to my complaints when the
university sacks some professor I loved, and a pledge that they'll
keep Princeton politics out of my mailbox. Because I already get
all the politics I can stomach on the nightly news.
You can reach Wes Tooke
at cwtooke@princeton.edu