the stage . . .

Winn 03 took this photo of Sarah Curran 02 (seated)
and Ashley Frankson 03, who perform in Harold Pinter's
Old Times, directed by Nick Ordway 02. The performance
is Ordway's senior thesis project and runs March 7-10 at 185
Nassau. For ticket information, phone 609-258-1742.
Bush has nominated Robert Finn *78, a visiting lecturer in
Near Eastern studies at Princeton, as ambassador to Afghanistan.
Finn was ambassador to Tajikistan from 1998 to 2001. He served at
the U.S. embassy in Croatia, opened the U.S. embassy in Baku, Azerbaijan,
in 1992 and was deputy coordinator of the Kuwait task force during
the Gulf War. His appointment requires Senate approval.
gathered in Firestone Plaza on March 1, to protest recent
Israeli actions in Palestinian refugee camps in the West Bank and
Gaza, reported the Daily Princetonian.
Jersey Governor James McGreevey Monday named President Shirley M.
Tilghman cochair of Prosperity New Jersey, a state initiative aimed
at preparing the workforce for world-class jobs and strengthening
the economy. "I am pleased to have been asked to co-chair Prosperity
New Jersey and to work with institutions of higher education
throughout the state to develop more effective relationships with
business, with state government and with our local communities to
help meet the demands of a changing economy," Tilghman said.
A. Baker III 52, who has served as both U.S. secretary
of state and secretary of the treasury, will be the keynote speaker
at this year's Class Day ceremony June 3. The Class Day ceremony
will be held on Cannon Green, weather permitting, at 10:30 a.m.
A former Princeton trustee, Baker has served in senior government
positions under three presidents: Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, and
George H. W. Bush.
Marsh, associate dean of the Graduate School at Northwestern
University, has been appointed associate provost at Princeton. He
will be responsible for special projects and institutional research,
according to Provost Amy Gutmann. He started his new duties on a
part-time basis March 1, and will begin working full time on April
A national
Jewish fraternity, Alpha Epsilon Pi, is trying to establish
a chapter at Princeton. The universitys other Jewish fraternity,
Zeta Beta Tau, has about 30 members roughly half are Jewish,
according to a story in the Daily Princetonian. But AEP plans
on a strictly Jewish membership.
Blinder 67, a professor of economics and former Federal
Reserve Board vice chairman, spent a week in January at the World
Economic Forum in New York "making $10 and $25 bets with other
economists that growth would surprise to the upside this year,"
reported the Wall Street Journal online (WSJ.com). "He
thinks there will be at least one three-month span this year in
which the economy grows at an above-average 5% annual rate. When
he presented his bullish scenario to top executives at a January
corporate gabfest, he says he got a lot of blank stares."
Goldberg 02, a Woodrow Wilson School major, has been awarded
a Martin Dale Fellowship, a university grant that provides support
for nontraditional research. He will study the social effects of
the current economic crisis in Argentina, reported the Daily
Natalie Deffenbaugh and Paul Hackwell have been awarded scholarships
for study in England next year. Daffenbaugh, who will receive the
Daniel Sachs 60 Memorial Scholarship, plans to study
for a bachelor of arts degree in philosophy, politics, and economics
at Worcester College, Oxford University. In particular, she plans
to study the mechanisms of peace keeping and diplomacy. Hackwell,
who will receive the Keasbey Scholarship, intends to study
for an M.Phil. in English medieval studies from 1100 to 1500 at
seeks editor
Chapman Martin '89, who has edited PAW since February 2000, announced
that she will step down after the publication of the July 2002 issue
because of family concerns. Martin and her husband, James K. Martin
'89, have two young children.
The position will be formally advertised in the April 10 issue.
Applicants may see the complete job description at http://jobs.princeton.edu/openjobs/.
alcohol-related problems at sign-ins
In the past, the excitement
of joining an eating club has gone hand in hand with alcohol violations
and trips to McCosh Infirmary and Princeton Medical Center. While
several students this year were treated for alcohol-related problems
during "initiations weekend," February 8-10, both at the
"Street" and in the dorms, Princetons medical and
law enforcement officials agreed that this year was calmer than
years in recent memory.
students were admitted to McCosh Infirmary for intoxication due
to eating club related activity, and three were taken to Princeton
Medical Center on the weekend of February 8 and 9, according to
Dr. Pamela Bowen, director of Princeton University Health Services.
"The numbers were definitely less than last
year," Bowen said. "Sixteen students were treated for
alcohol intoxication on Friday and Saturday of initiations weekend
last year versus nine this year."
According to Dr. Bowen, 12 students in all were
treated this year compared to 23 students in 2001. Even with fewer
students to treat, only one bed in the infirmary was open on Sunday
morning, but not all were filled eating club related cases, said
According to public safety reports, six students
were brought to Princeton Medical Center between Tuesday, February
5 and Sunday, February 10. Public Safety also noted "severe
alcohol violations" on Friday, February 8, the day bicker clubs
picked up their new members.
Borough Police issued two students summonses for carrying open containers,
according to Captain Anthony Federico.
to past years, it was quiet," Captain Federico said.
year, initiations weekend coincided with the spread of gastroenteritis,
more commonly known as the stomach flu. On Sunday, February 10,
the infirmary had admitted eight students with the stomach virus,
said Dr. Bowen.
"Princeton University Health Services surmises
that the intense activity with many students in close proximity
to each other over the weekend and allowed the gastroenteritis to
spread more easily from person to person," Bowen said.
Melissa Renny 03
Alternative to Alcohol Abuse: Housing Reform in the Residential
by Brian Muegge 05
(Updated daily, Monday through Friday)
area events
New York metropolitan area
Washington DC events
Other regions
area events
Barbara Lawrence, executive director of New Jersey Future:
"Smart Growth: New Jersey and the Nation"
March 11, 4:30 p.m., in Bowl 1, Robertson Hall.
Paul Browne, senior researcher at the Canadian Centre for
Policy Alternatives: "Globalization and Social Policy: The
Care of Health Care Reform in Canada"
March 11, 4:30 p.m. in Bowl 2, Robertson Hall.
A Women's History Month celebration features former U.S. Rep.
Marjorie Margolies Mezvinsky: "Balancing Career and Life:
One Woman's Perspective" during two sessions from noon to 1
p.m. and from 1 to 2 p.m.
March 12, in Multipurpose Room C, Frist Campus Center. Space
is limited; to make reservations, e-mail Debra
Samuel Kassow, the Northam Professor of History at Trinity College,
will discuss the focus of his upcoming book, Polish-Jewish historian
Emmanuel Ringelblum (1900-1944)
March 13, 4:30 p.m., Bowl 2, Robertson Hall.
At the outset of World War II, Ringelblum formed a secret group
to document life in Nazi-occupied Poland. The group collected reports
on the deportation and murder of Jews, Warsaw ghetto artifacts,
photographs, children's school essays, diaries and art from September
1939 until January 1943. The artifacts were hidden in milk cans
and tin boxes and buried in the cellars of several Warsaw buildings.
Dava Sobel, author of Longitude, Galileo's Daughter, and
Letters to Father": Galileo: Working Scientist"
March 14, 8:00 p.m., McDonnell Hall, A-02
Science & Ultimate Reality honors Professor, Emeritus, John
Wheeler, by holding a symposium at the Harrison/Merrill
Lynch Conference Center in the Princeton area, Friday evening to
Monday afternoon, March 15-18. The program seeks to provide
a forum to encourage and stimulate creativity to frame novel approaches
toward cracking major mega-issues over the next few decades. The
intention is to give major support for serious research and to plan
a near-term project that is high-level, innovative, distinctive,
and fun a unique event with a future focus and the involvement
of important young innovators. For more information, go to http://www.metanexus.net/Ultimate_Reality/gifindex
Plasma Physics Science
on Saturday, March 16, 9:30 a.m.: Bioinformatics in the
Post-Genomic Era, Mona Singh, Department of Computer Science. Heightened
security measures are presently in effect at the laboratory because
of the events on September 11. For more information about the series
or the forms of ID required for entrance to the laboratory, call
the Science-on-Saturday Hotline at 609-243-2121.
Tony Kushner,
April 4, 8 p.m. at TBA
Sydney Brenner,
Oxford University and Molecular Sciences Institute, Berkeley:Biology
after the Genome Project
April 9-11, 8 p.m. at TBA
Timothy J. Clark,
University of California, Berkeley: Poussins Mad Pursuit:
April 17, 4:30 p.m. at TBA
Timothy J. Clark,
University of California, Berkeley: Bruegel in the Land of Cockaigne
April 18, 4:30 p.m. at TBA
Princeton Plasma Physics
Laboratory presents Science-on-Saturday talks
The lectures are free
and open to the public, Heightened security measures are presently
in effect at the laboratory because of the events on Sept. 11. For
more information about the series or the forms of ID required for
entrance to the laboratory, call the Science-on-Saturday Hotline
at 609-243-2121
March 2
"How the Brain Got Its Folds: Learning About Function by Looking
at Structure," Samuel Wang, Princeton Department of Molecular
March 9 "The
Science of Radiowave and Microwave Probing of Ionospheric and Fusion
Plasmas," Raffi Nazikian, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
(laboratory tour following lecture).
March 16
"Bioinformatics in the Post-Genomic Era," Mona Singh,
Princeton Department of Computer Science.
Heightened security measures
are presently in effect at the laboratory because of the events
on September 11. For more information about the series or the forms
of ID required for entrance to the laboratory, call the Science-on-Saturday
Hotline at 609-243-2121.
Art Museum
"Klinger to Kollwitz:
German Art in the Age of Expressionism," an overview of late-19th-and
early-20th-century German art, will be on view through June 9.
Two religious paintings by Flemish artist Anthony van Dyck will
be reunited for the first time in 20 years at the Princeton University
Art Museum in the small, focused exhibition, Anthony van Dyck:
Ecce Homo and The Mocking of Christ. The show will remain
on view through June 9.
Reunions 2002,
May 30 - June 2, 2002
Reunions 2003,
May 29 - June 1, 2002
back to top of calendar
New York area events
Barnes & Noble Book
event, Ralph Nader 55, author of Crashing the Party,
March 14, 7 p.m., Union Square, 33 East 17th Street,
& Noble Book event, Sheldon Rampton 82, author
of Trust Us, Were Experts, March 14, 7:30 p.m., Park
Slope, Brooklyn, 267 Seventh Avenue at Sixth Street, 718-832-9066.
The photographs of Fazal Sheikh 87, who went to Afghanistan
after the Taliban had taken power, are on display at the Jane Voorhees
Zimmerli Art Museum at the State University of New Jersey, at Rutgers,
71 Hamilton Street, New Brunswick, through March 31. (732-932-7237)
The show is titled "The Victor Weeps: Photographs by Fazal
Sheikh of Afghan Refugees, 1996-98."
to top of calendar
DC area events
to top of calendar
Send us news
about your events.
John Kamm 72
and his human rights work in China with the Dui Hua Foundation,
which interacts with the Chinese and U.S. governments to help secure
the release of political and religious prisoners in China, was the
subject of a New York Times Magazine story on March 3.
Lindsey Kozberg 92 will serve
as communications director of the USA Freedom Corps office at the
White House. She has been director of public affairs for the U.S.
Department of Education since 2001. (www.usafreedomcorps.gov)
Barbara Cassani *84, the chief executive
officer of Go, the United Kingdom-based low-cost airline carrier,
made WSJ.coms list of Europes 25 most successful businesswomen.
Cassani founded Go in 1998.
Richard Revesz 79, a professor
of law at New York University School of Law, has been selected as
the 14th dean of the school and will take over June 1. Revesz succeeds
John Sexton, who last May was tapped to be NYUs president.
Antonio Lasaga 71, a world-renowned
geochemist and former Yale professor, was sentenced to 20 years
in prison for sexually assaulting a New Haven youth and possessing
child pornography, according to a report in the Daily Princetonian.
George Will *68, a syndicated columnist,
in his February 28 op-ed that appeared in the Trenton Times railed
against the increasing number of obese people in the U.S and the
consequences to health. "Most American adults 61 percent
are overweight or obese, primarily because they eat imprudently
and exercise negligibly," he wrote. "Illnesses related
to obesity
kill 300,000 [a year]." He cited Eric Schlosser
81's book Fast Food Nation in his column.
Thomas W. Morris 65, executive
director of the Cleveland Orchestra, will take over as artistic
director of the venerable music event the Ojai Festival when its
current director Ernest Fleischmann retires on June 30, 2003. Morris,
an accomplished percussionist, is the first non-Californian to take
on that post, according to the Ventura County Star. (www.ojaifestival.org)
Democrat Gary Watts 69 is running
for mayor of Tulsa. He faces a Republican and three independents
on the March 12 ballot. He has served on the city council for 10
of 12 years since 1990.
The Reverend Frederick Borsch 57,
a former dean of religious life at Princeton, has been appointed
interim head of the troubled Berkeley Divinity School at Yale, reported
AP. He replaces Ralph William Franklin, who left "after auditors
questioned his management of the schools finances."
Robert Tepper 77, Millennium Pharmaceuticals'
chief scientific officer and executive vice president. has been
appointed to the National Advisory Council for Human Genome Research
of the National Institutes of Health.
End of the road for men's basketball March
The Palestra was the end of the road for Princeton mens basketball
on March 7. But Penn did not kill the Tigers NCAA tournament hopes,
it was Yale, which drubbed Princeton 76-60 in a playoff game forced
by the Ivy Leagues first-ever three way tie for the conference
title. Yale plays Penn on March 9 to decide who will get the leagues
automatic NCAA tournament bid, while the Tigers were hoping for
an NIT bid.
Princeton could have won the league title outright on March 5, but
lost to Penn, 64-48, in the regular seasons final game.
over yet:
Penn routs Princeton March 5 in the Palestra; first three-way tie
for title in Ivy League history
Mens basketball
set for showdown at Penn
Twenty-five games later it all comes down to 40 minutes against
its fiercest rival for the 2001-2002 Princeton mens basketball
team, which is one victory from returning to the NCAA tournament.
Its not winner take all at the Palestra on Tuesday, but if
the Tigers win they take the Ivy League title outright. If they
lose, it sets up the Ancient Eights first ever three-way tie
for first place. Princeton would then play Yale in a playoff for
the chance to take on Penn again in a single game to decide the
Ivy title and a trip to the NCAAs.
The scenario was set up by two nail-biter road wins for Princeton
at Cornell and Columbia this weekend. Senior Mike Bechtold had a
career game at Columbia with 25 points, including a three-pointer
in the final minute that gave Princeton its first lead of the night
and the 49-48 win. Princeton beat Cornell 61-57 thanks to clutch
free throw shooting down the stretch.
Womens and mens lacrosse teams falter
on opening weekend
Lacrosse season got off to a bad start at Princeton as the defending
NCAA men's lacrosse champions lost to Johns Hopkins on the road
and the womens team dropped an overtime heartbreaker to Georgetown
at home.
Sophomore Theresa Sherrys third goal of the game sent the
womens game into overtime at 13-13. But fourth-ranked Georgetown
hit two goals in the extra periods to beat the third-ranked Tigers.
The mens squad, ranked first in the nation in preseason polls,
fell to the third-ranked Johns Hopkins squad 8-5 in Baltimore on
Saturday despite a strong showing in goal for Julian Gould 03,
who had 14 saves.
Both teams will try to rebound this week as the women take on Lafayette
on Wednesday at Class of 1952 Stadium at 7:30 p.m. and the men travel
south to face the University of Virginia on Saturday.
Mens hockey shuts out Harvard for first time
in 50 years
Senior goalie Dave Stathos timing was impeccable this weekend.
Stathos recorded his first career shut out in his final regular
season game with 36 saves against Harvard, propelling the resurgent
Tigers into the ECAC playoffs. The 3-0 win on Senior Night at Hobey
Baker Rink was the Tigers (11-16-2, 10-10-2 ECAC) first shutout
of the Crimson in 50 years.
Seniors David Del Monte and Ryan Kraliz and junior Trevor Beaney
scored Princetons goals. The Tigers, who finished the season
with three wins, now travel to Rensselaer for the first round of
the ECAC playoffs on Friday.
Mens swim team takes EISL championships
Juniors Jesse Gage and Garth Fealey put on a show at the EISL Championships
in Cambridge, Mass. to help Princeton rally past Harvard on the
final day of competition and take the meet title 1,522 to 1,494
Gage and Fealey set several school records during the competition
while capturing individual and relay titles. Fealey broke a 13-year-old
in the 100-yard breaststroke while Gage eclipsed his own mark in
the 100-yard butterfly. The pair saved some of their best action
for the meets final day as Gage took the 100-yard freestyle
title and Fealey won the 200-yard breaststroke.
Gage also swam with the victorious 400-yard freestyle relay team
that edged Harvard to close out the meet.
Womens basketball splits weekend games
A heartbreaking 73-72 overtime loss to Columbia in Jadwin Gym on
Saturday halted a two-game win streak for the Tigers, who finish
their turnaround year at home against Penn on Wednesday night.
The game featured 18 lead changes and 11 ties after Princeton jumped
out to an 11-4 lead. Maureen Lane 03 provided much of the
offensive pop, scoring 20 while pulling down 11 rebounds.
Lanes offensive prowess also showed on Friday, when the Tigers
spanked Cornell 70-56 in Jadwin. Allison Cahill 03 almost
accomplished a triple-double, scoring 16 points, grabbing 12 rebounds,
and handing out eight assists. Princeton tied a school record of
13 three-point baskets during both games.
The Tigers head into the Penn game with a 10-16 record overall and
a 4-9 mark in the Ivy League.
Womens water polo opens season 8-1
Princeton beat Harvard, Brown and Queens College at the Brown Invitational
in Rhode Island this weekend. The 11-4 win against Brown sends out
an early message for the Tigers, which handily won the rematch of
last years Eastern Championship finals. Brown took last years
game 11-10 in overtime to reach the NCAA Final Four.
The Tigers' lone loss this season came at the hands of Michigan
during the weekend tourney and their record now stands at 8-1.
Evans falls in mens squash intercollegiate
championship final
For the first time in three years, the national intercollegiate
mens squash individual champion will not be wearing Orange
and Black. Trinitys Bernardo Samper defeated Princetons
Will Evans 03 (6-9, 9-5,9-0,9-1) on Sunday at Jadwin Gym to
take the national title.
Sampers win ended a run of three straight Princeton champions,
two by Peter Yik 00 and one last year from David Yik 03.
The defending champion reached the semi-finals this weekend but
lost to Samper.
Womens hockey drops two to end season
The womens hockey regular season ended on a down note this
weekend as the Tigers dropped a pair of road games to Harvard and
Princeton (15-9-3, 10-6) now skates against Harvard in Hobey Baker
Rink on Friday in an ECAC-North quarterfinal playoff game.
The 7-1 loss to Harvard in Cambridge and the 4-1 loss to Brown in
Providence dropped the Tigers into a fourth place tie with the Crimson
in the ECAC-North, but Princeton won the tiebreaker and home ice
thanks to a better conference record. One of the few Tiger highlights
from this weekends action was goalie Megan Von Beusekom 04s
career-high 50 saves against Brown.
Senior Tora Harris,
who owns the best high jump mark in the country this year, and Josh
McCaughey 04, one of the nations best 35-pound weight
throwers, are heading to Arkansas this weekend to represent Princeton
at the 2002 NCAA Indoor Track and Field Championships.
Harris is a three-time All-America at the 1998, 1999, and 2001 outdoor
championships. It seemed that every week this season he was setting
a school or meet mark. Harris was only one of two jumpers in the
U.S. to clear the 2.25-meter mark this year.
McCaughey earned All-America status in his freshman year when he
finished 14th at the 2001 indoor championships with a 19.5-meter
throw. This year, he qualified with a toss of 21.19 meters.
here for The Varsity Typewriter
by Patrick Sullivan '02