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Photographs from Princeton past and what our readers
have to say about them.
Write to PAW.
From the June 9, 2004, issue:
While the Class of 2005 already has
disappeared from campus for the summer, Princetons juniors
from a century ago spent this time very differently. These
high-stepping members of the Class of 1905 are marching in
the Junior High Hat Parade, a tradition that, according to
archivists, was one of the principal events of early
June before World War I. Men in the photo are identified
only as Hamilton, Pete Schaff, Bates, and Pierce (1906).
From the May 12, 2004, issue:
The Princeton University Band looks
almost as though it's in formation as members exit Blair Arch
in this undated photo. Formations are not in the repertoire
of the band, which is among fewer than a dozen scramble bands
in the U.S. Traditional bands mover through formations via
precision marching, while a well-executed scramble, according
to the Princeton Band's website, "may look like a cross
between a riot, a fire drill, and a half-off sale at Macy's."
From the April 21, 2004, issue:
In primitive times before laptops and
wireless Internet connections, there was the Age of the Electric
Typewriter. Despite the obvious limitations of these now-obsolete
machines, they did enable students to go to college unencumbered
by computer printers, monitors, and towers. In this undated
archives photo, a student works in an austere carrel with
benefit only of his electric typewriter, paper, and lamp.
Do any PAW readers recognize this hardworking Princetonian?
From the April 7, 2004, issue:
The Princeton Tiger displays courage
on the gridiron by posing with his genetically correct counterpart
in this undated photo. The University briefly had a live tiger
mascot when the father of football player Albert Howard 25
brought a tiger he captured in India here in 1923. After several
weeks of community anxiety, the tiger was given to a zoo.
In 1949, fundraising plans to purchase a tiger cub were postponed,
and apparently never resurrected, by backers of the Campus
Fund Drive.
From the March 24, 2004, issue:
A freshman and sophomore do battle during
Cane Spree, a Princeton tradition dating to the 1860s, in
this undated photo. What began as an attempt by upperclassmen
to prevent frosh from carrying then-fashionable canes while
strolling on Nassau Street has evolved into a multisport competition
after the second week of classes in the fall. According to
the Prince, rules created after a student was injured in 2001
have made Cane Spree less of "a brutal brawl." Can
any readers identify these students?
From the March 10, 2004, issue:
This tranquil spot is identified only
as the old library, though Mudd Library archivists
believe it may be Chancellor Green. University architect Jon
Hlafter 61 *63 guesses it is a room in East Pyne, part
of the old Pyne Library. Can any PAW readers identify this
setting, the year of the photo, or any of the students pictured?
From the February 25, 2004, issue:
Thomas Mueller 71 appears
ready to put up another notice on a campus bulletin board
in 1968. Some postings of interest to Princeton students that
year advertised a concert of works by Franz Schubert in Alexander
Hall on February 25, hot soul steak sandwiches
delivered nice n hot to your room from Koffee
Kup Steak House via the Student Steak Delivery Agency, and
otherwise unidentified Personal Appearance of Hannibal.
From the February 11, 2004, issue:
A smiling Dean Francis Godolphin 24
*29 employs ancient technology a Western Union telegraph
machine for an unknown purpose in this 1949 photo.
With Godolphin, who served as dean of the college from 1946
to 1955, and three onlookers is Bernard Adams 50, at
far left. Western Unions current Web site touts telegrams,
with a history dating back to 1851, as a
classic way to wish someone the very best.
From the January 28, 2004, issue:
Perhaps it was the end of exams or a
special athletic victory that prompted these Princeton men
to celebrate, 1897-style, at an unidentified Prospect Street
eating club. Among the revelers is Neilson "Net"
Poe 1897, one of the six Poe brothers who played football
for Princeton between 1882 and 1902, pictured at far right
in the middle row. Neilson was a member of Ivy Club, possibly
the site of this bash.
From the December 17, 2003 issue:
Paleoartist Charles Robert Knight (1874-1953)
stands by one of his paintings during a 1949 exhibit in the
former natural History Museum in Guyot Hall. Best known for
his detailed reconstructions of long-extinct animals, Knight
exhibited his art in many major museum. Though Princeton's
Knight collection currently is in storage, some Guyot museum
displays remain in the building's biology and geology areas.
Otheh artifacts, including saber-toothed and Bengal tiger
skeletons, are in Frist Campus Center.
From the November 19, 2003 issue:
During the 1968-69 academic year, at
the height of the war in Vietnam, protests were increasing
on campuses nationwide, and Princeton was no exception. Can
anyone identify these antiwar activists, who were part of
a protest outside Nassau Hall that year? What event prompted
this student demonstration?
From Howard Wainer *68: The picture was taken in front
of the Woodrow Wilson School probably 1966-1968. The
pipe smoker is Donald Weiss (philosophy *71), now a professor
of philosophy at SUNY Binghamton. The gentleman who is suggesting
that we de-escalate is Ivan Sygoda *72(romance languages and
literaturs), now CEO of Pentacle, an organization that promotes
the arts, especially small dance companies. I don't know who
the bearded fellow was. My memory of protests at that time
is that we all strove to look as respectable as possible.
Everyone knew that the hippies were against the war, and so
it was important to convey the image that so too were more
establishment types. As I remember it, everyone showered,
shaved, and dug out their best duds from the back of the closet.
There was even some discussion of wearing academic robes (this
was dismissed because, since we ate in them each evening at
Proctor Hall, they looked more disreputable than the usual
From the November 5, 2003 issue:
In 1948, Princeton celebrated its second
consecutive Big Three football win by torching the Yale
Bowl outhouse in a 35-foot-tall bonfire on Cannon Green.
Princeton won the Big Three title by defeating Harvard
477 and Yale 2014. The last time the Tigers beat
both Harvard and Yale in one season was in 1994.
From the October 22, 2003 issue:
Its a bird, its a plane
. . .
its a flying Princeton cheerleader, circa 1976! Can
any of our readers identify this Superman and tell us if he
leaped successfully over his cowering compatriots?
From Tom Bowden'78: I opened
this month's PAW to the first page of Class Notes and saw the
picture of the flying cheerleader then I read the question.
I think I am the one flying above the others. It could have
been a few other guys (including Curt Hayes), but I think it
looks most like me. And yes, I did make it across! Since I wasn't
able to make the Class of 1978's 25th reunion (my sister got
married), at least I can represent our class in this small way.
I think Lynn Lucas Fehm and Betty Ann Cisco are 2nd and 4th
from the right. |
From the October 8, 2003 issue:
Bonding while breaking bread,
these clean-cut athletes chow down after a summer football
practice at Blairstown Training Camp in northern New Jersey.
By the early 1970s, camp was moved to campus as facilities
improved. Do any of PAWs readers recognize these hungry
football players, circa 1950?
From Charles Ganoe 51: The two at
the near end of the table are Jack Powers 50, a fullback,
and Norman Moore 50, a guard. Since both graduated in
1950, this picture had to be 1949 or earlier. Jack Powers, who
was in the insurance business in Philadelphia, died three to
four years ago. Norm Moore was a dean at Wabash College for
many years, but he returned to his original hometown, Philadelphia,
on retirement and died last year. |
From Don Cohn 50: I am one of the
"clean cut athletes" in the picture. At the left is
the late Jack Powers '50, who played fullback. I, Don Cohn '50,
am next to him. I played center and linebacker. Across from
Jack is the late Norm Moore '50, who played weak side guard
(it was single wing in those days}. At the end of the table
I think is Tommy Hennnings, who was a back. The picture was
taken in 1949, our senior year, and it was the first year the
team went to Blairstown for early fall practice.
From Terrie Powers w50: That is my
late husband, Jack, on the left. |
From the September 10,. 2003 issue:
Adrian Woody Woodhouse 59
sent us this 1936 photograph of himself at the age of six
months sitting on his fathers knee in front of Palmer
Physical Laboratory, now Frist Campus Center. Woodhouse reports
that his father, who emigrated from England to Trenton in
1927, fell in love with Princeton. On the back of the photo
are the words, Looking over his future college!