Letters from alumni about
the Estate tax repeal
29, 2001
For reasons
not known only to me, Robert Durkee, a senior administration official,
was given authorization to represent Princeton in discussions with
government officials to object to the elimination of the Estate
Our trustees
have either authorized or support, and thus condone, the efforts
of the administration.
It is
incomprehensible that a Board of Trustees of Princeton University
would put themselves in a position of compromising the strong beliefs
and financial well being held by so many of its alumni/ae.
Our modest
family wealth has been gained not only from inheritance, generated
by hard-working forefathers and mothers, but also through very hard
work on the part of my wife and myself. We obviously favor retaining
our various assets, which we have spent a lifetime nourishing and
building. We, like so many others, have paid taxes both on the estates
we inherited, as well as the earnings and investments we have produced
over our lifetime.
We believe
that we, and our heirs, not the government, should
handle our financial assets. We, not the government or Princeton
University, are best suited to determine how and where we would
allocate our gifts or charity funding. We have and will continue
to support worthy organizations regardless of whether or not the
gifts are tax deductible.
The larger
our estate, the more fun0s our family would have available for giving.
Our children (who have been brought up to understand the concept
of charitable giving) would certainly benefit from a tax free estate
"transfer." We trust that they would invest wisely and increase
their inheritance, were the equity which we have spent our lives
building and accumulating, continue to be productively employed.
There is no reason to believe that they would be any less generous,
particularly were they to inherit a tax free estate.
My wife
and I fail to understand why intelligent men and women on Princeton's
Board of Trustees, who presumably, in the most part, have substantial
assets and sizeable estates, and who profess to represent our alumni/ae,
can't see how counterproductive Durkee's attempt is to block estate
tax relief. It is all the more incomprehensible and incongruous,
especially when our trustees constantly promote fundraising from
the Princeton family.
those to whom we have entrusted the governance of the premier
university in the U.S. forgotten that the material as well as
intellectual greatness Of our university, was created and. succored
by private largess? How in the world can a board so often "shoot
itself in the foot" or bury it's head in the sands?
Brower, Jr. 49
Madison, N.J.
to this letter
a letter to PAW
6, 2001
Whenever I hear
a lament that a reduction in income or capital gain tax rates would
adversely affect charitable giving I am reminded of the seven-figure
donor to Princeton some years ago who made a gift pledged over several
years but specified that his commitment for the future years was
conditioned on there being no increase in the income tax rates.
He was giving such a large amount because he had more money after
taxes, not because he wanted to avoid taxes. Give your donors some
credit for their loyalty, and stop crying, Wolf!. The
advantages of a repeal of the estate tax are not just slight;
they are substantial.
Van Zandt Williams
is certainly more levelheaded about this prospect than the Ad-Hoc
Tax Group.
Joseph Neff
Ewing, Jr. 47
West Chester, Pa.
to this letter
a letter to PAW
6, 2001
According to
your article in the April 4 issue (Notebook), Robert Durkee 69,
Princetons vice president for public affairs . . .
has been working most closely with the Ad-Hoc Tax Group, a collection
of 40-odd colleges and universities that are concerned about the
repeal effort. Princeton and the others are trying to prevent
repeal of the estate tax, and thus to keep hurting a lot of heirs,
including those of alumni and those who are or will be alumni. Also
hurt are the employees and customers of family-owned businesses
forced to sell out or liquidate, for some of whom the business is
the most important family they have. Thanks, guys.
Charles W.
McCutchen 50
Bethesda, Md.
to this letter
a letter to PAW
27, 2001
Mr. Stankiewicz
in his letter of May 16 errs when he says that the death tax
does not force "grieving families to sell their inherited business
and farms." He quotes an April 8 New York Times article
as well as Paul Krugman as support evidence.
both the New York Times and Professor Krugman are incorrect.
Had they taken the time to review the facts, they would have found
ample evidence. Several such examples can be found in the "home
of rural legends", the Senate Finance Committee's Subcommittee
Hearing on Taxation on March 15, 2001. (Complete testimony is found
at http://www.smartertimes.com/archive/2001/04/010411.html.)
There are,
of course, valid differences of opinion when it comes to the death
tax. But keeping the facts straight is a necessary prerequisite
before judgment.
Isaiah Cox
to this letter
a letter to PAW
20, 2001
Although I am relieved
to read that Princeton may be shielded from some of the negative
effects of a repeal of the estate tax, I am troubled that your story
downplayed its potentially devastating impact for the rest of the
nation (Notebook, April 4). I am even more troubled by the comments
of a university official, who is quoted as stating that alumni should
"celebrate" if full repeal is passed and call the university development
office to see "how much fun you can have with all this money."
Even if said tongue-in-cheek,
such a statement ignores the terrible toll repeal would take on
all nonprofit institutions. As the story points out, a U.S. Treasury
study estimates that repeal could reduce donations to charitable
institutions by $4 billion a year (other estimates are even higher).
Furthermore, an immediate
repeal of the estate tax would cost the federal government $660
billion over 10 years, according to the latest estimates by the
Congressional Joint Committee on Taxation, and also would reduce
state revenues. What is the justification for such drastic cuts?
Proponents portray the estate tax as forcing grieving families to
sell their inherited businesses and farms. In fact, very few inheritances
even qualify, and an April 8 New York Times article was unable to
document a single instance of a farm being sold because of the estate
tax. In Princeton professor Paul Krugman's words, this is a "rural
However, repeal of the
estate tax could result in a situation where very wealthy families
can protect their capital gains from ever being taxed. Rather than
stimulating entrepreneurship, such a situation would only stunt
economic growth. That is why Andrew Carnegie argued for an estate
tax in 1889, writing that, "Why should men leave great fortunes
to their children?". It is not well for the children that they
should be so burdened. Neither is it well for the state."
Gregory M. Stankiewicz
Cambridge, Mass.
to this letter
a letter to PAW
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