S.M.S. ([New York]: Letter Edged in Black Press, 1968). Gift of Barbara Kamen Movius in 1992. Graphic Arts Collection (GAX) Oversize 2006-0017E
Volume No. 1
A: Black dress by James Byars; B: Chicago project by Walter de Maria; C: Two propositions in black by La Monte Young and Marian Zazeela; D: Photograph - hottentot apron by Sol Mednick; E: Luggage labels by Nancy Reitkopf; F: LERP SMS Title Page; G: My country ‘tis of thee, West Germany 1968 (4 views) by Kasper König; H: A postal card - for mother by Richard Hamilton; I: Project for a bridge by Su Braden; J: Store front by Christo; K: Pharmaceuticals by Julien Levy
Volume No. 2
A: A proposed comic section for the New York Times by Bernard Pfriem; B: A 2-year old girl choked to death today on an Easter egg by Ray Johnson; C: Three color separation by Alain Jacquet; D: Cynocephalus & co. by Nicolas Calas; E: The mirror of genoveva by Meret Oppenheim; F: Thesis (1960) by Lee Lozano; G: Legal tender by Bruce Conner; H: Album by Clovis Trouille; I: Title page; J: Ten collages by Marcia Herscovitz; extra item located between H & I. Farewell to Faust by George Reavey.
Volume No. 3
A: O de tes London by Dick Higgins; B: Mona Lisa’s father by Man Ray; C: Bush in hand by Roland Penrose; D: Four Titled Abstracts by Joseph Kosuth; E: Poems by Aftograf; F: Two Drawings by Ronnie Landfield; G: Clouds by William Bryant; H: Signal Flag Poems by Hannah Wiener; I: Correspondence by H.C. Westerman; J: Poppy nogoods all night flight (the first ascent) by Terry Riley.
Volume No. 4
A: 100 year old calendar by On Kawara; B: Concept: Bergtold by Paul Bergtold; C: Asylum manuscripts by Princess Winifred; D: Phenakistiscope by Hollis Frampton; E: Burned bow-tie by Lil Picard; F: Folded hat by Roy Lichtenstein; G: 6 prison poems by Rotella; H: Parking meter sticker by Robert Watts; I: Diary: how to improve the world (you will only make matters worse) continued 1968 by John Cage; J: Tortured color by Arman Fernandez; K: Title page
Volume No. 5
A: Cut corners by Robert Rohm; B: Candy by Mel Ramos; C: Footsteps by Bruce Nauman; D: Against the grain by William Schwedler; E: Splendid person by Wall Batterton; F: Turf, stake and string by Larry Wiener; G: The inner pages by Angus MacLise; H: Twenty-four still lifes by Edward Fitzgerald; I: Bux Americana by Neil Jenny; J: The magellanic clouds by Diane Wakoski; K: Mend piece for John by Yoko Ono; L: Reflections on Picasso’s gift to the people of Chicago by The Barber’s Shop.
Volume No. 6 and Suppl.
A: Ten xerox sheets by Toby Mussman; B: Friends by Betty Dodson; C: Twenty down by Adrian Nutbeam; D: Adora by Jean Reavey; E: Unattended lunches by Claes Oldenburg; F: Junior historical theatre playroom kit by Mischa Petrow; G: Astrophysics by Bernar Venet; H: Neon construction by Ronaldo Ferri; I: Self portrait by Ed Bereal; J: Chocolate bar by Diter Rot; K: Johns in art galleries by Paul Steiner; L: Chinese fortune game by John Giorno; extra item. Massage sticker by Pierre Fournier — Cover by Richard Artschwager.