Injured Humanity

Alexander Anderson (1775-1870), Injured Humanity: Being a Representation of What the Unhappy Children of Africa Endure from Those Who Call Themselves Christians. [New York]: Printed and sold by Samuel Wood, No. 362, Pearl-street, no date [1805-1808]. Gift of Sinclair Hamilton. Graphic Arts, Hamilton 252.

In 1807, the British Parliament banned the Atlantic slave trade and the United States followed with their own mandate in 1808. This broadside was published around 1805 to incite Americans against slavery and the “horrors of the middle passage” by describing in gruesome detail the conditions that slaves had to endure. It was published by the New York printer and Quaker, Samuel Wood, who had the wood engravings prepared by the best artisan of the period, Alexander Anderson.

The broadside is undated but Wood is listed at this address in New York City directories from 1805 to 1808. The text and illustrations published here also appear in the following work, first issued by Wood in 1807: The Mirror of Misery, or, Tyranny Exposed.

A complete transcription of the broadside can be found at I have enlarged the images and text printed along the margins to make them readable.