Visual Poetry Inspired by the Statue of Liberty

Klaus-Peter Dencker, Dero Abacedarius (Achill Island, Ireland: Redfoxpress, 2011). Graphic Arts 2012- in process.
28 + 2 collages/visual poems in box.

“I started work on Dero Abecedarius in mid-July 2001,” writes the artist Klaus-Peter Dencker. “…it develops alphabetically and uses New York’s Statue of Liberty as a primary motif. Dero presents the statue, a sort of public-relations symbol, in several variations. This allows me to explore the theme of freedom—poetically and theoretically—as it relates to the somewhat absurd representations of it that abound in consumer culture.”

“Within this work are personal experiences of many visits to the USA and the absurd idea, that a letter has its own meaning/importance. The ABC as an own sign-world and as an example for the dealing with seeming/apparent unliberties and so called rules. I work on the sequences usually by making first all collages on the pages, then the text-elements and finally a follow-up of a few corrections in the existing collages.”

This special edition is published by Redfoxpress, founded in 2000 by the Belgium artist Francis Van Maele. In 2002, he moved to Ireland and settled on Achill Island, along the cliffs of County Mayo overlooking the Atlantic Ocean. To learn more, see