"Night Lunch for a Blank Generation" and other stories

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Search & Destroy (San Francisco, CA: [s.n.], v. 1, no. 1, 1977-v. 2, no. 11, 1979). “New wave cultural research.” Graphic Arts Collection GAX 2012- in process

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“Though small, San Francisco-based RE/Search is credited with beginning a fringe publishing phenom[enon],” writes Susan Carpenter (LATimes Aug. 13, 2002). [V. Vale] … had no career aspiration other than working as a clerk at City Lights Books when he started Search & Destroy. Vale put together the magazine with an IBM Selectric II correcting typewriter he used after hours at the bookstore. Using money he solicited from legendary beatnik Allen Ginsberg and City Lights founder Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Vale was able to print his first issue but had to rely on the money he made through benefit concerts to keep the venture going.”

Although the zine only lasted eleven issues, it was quite influential and remains a key source for interviews in late 1970s popular culture including music, art, literature, and film. Writers featured include William Burroughs, J.G. Ballard, Patti Smith, Octavio Paz, and Bob Flanagan among others.

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