Heinrich Pfeiffer, Das deutsch Lichtbild Buch: Filmprobleme von Gesterne und Heute (The German Film Book: Movie Problems of Yesterday and Today) (Berlin: A. Scherl, [1924]). Graphic Arts Collection 2013- in process.
The typography and illustrations in this 1924 anthology on contemporary film are by [Frederick] Arthur Wittig (1894-1962). Contributions include short essays by Heinrich Pfeiffer, E. Redslob, Alexander von Gleichen-Russwurm, Joe May, Emil Jannings, Ernst Lubitsch, Guido Seeber, Alfred Richard Mayer, Dr. Soetbeer, F. Lamp, Carl Forch, Albert Hellwig, Peter Grassmann, Aros, Gottlieb Hermes, Dr. Häentzschel, Curt Wesseling, Richard Ott, Walter Bloem, Otto Boehm, Alfred and Arthur Rosentahl Rupp.
Originally, the book was published in an edition of 500 copies, signed and numbered by Wittig. Subscribers also received an original lithography by Carl Rabus. Princeton’s rare surviving copy is unnumbered and unsigned.