
What do I need to do?

All you need to do is show up at one of our practices and introduce yourself to the team. There are no try-outs, but you should contact us at "" and ask to be put on the ballroom email listserv.

Are there any required lessons?

Officially, lessons are not required in any form, nor level-restricted. However, it is highly recommended that you attend all the lessons you are interested in, because why else are you here? It can also help you figure out who would be an appropriate partner for you for competitions (although not necessary).

What do I need to pay?

Ask any of your officers for the cost of the current semester. Dues tend to be $20-30 for one semester, depending on whether you are a undergraduate or graduate student. All dues go toward paying for our instructors and providing transportation to competitions!

Join our listserv!

Email us at "" to get updates for weekly practice schedules and team socials.
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