During the nineteenth century, when photography was still a new art form, book publishers would cut and paste individual, original photographs into their books as illustrations. It was an expensive, time-consuming process and so, you might think it was only very limited-edition publications that were illustrated in this way. This is not the case. One reason we know this is is by looking at the Princeton University Library, where there are hundreds of examples of books—novels, textbooks, government documents—that include original, now historic, photographs.
We are now adding a special subject heading to books with original photographs in them to make them searchable in the main online catalogue. If you would like to try this search, go to http://catalog.princeton.edu and type: Photographs, Original—Illustrations in books into the search box. If you find books with photographs that has not yet been noted, please sent me the information and we will add the heading.
If you would like to browse a list of the titles we have been able to locate so far, continue with this posting below:
Albany Academy. Catalogue of Albany’s Bicentennial Loan Exhibition at the Albany Academy, July 5 to July 24, 1886: 1686-1886. Albany, N.Y.: Weed Parsons 1886.
Annan, Thomas, Glasgow City Improvement Trust., Faculty of Procurators in Glasgow, and Kerr & Richardson. Glasgow Improvements Act, 1866: photographs of streets, closes, &c. taken 1868-71. Glasgow? s.n. 1872.
Annan, Thomas, and John Oswald Mitchell. The Old country houses of the old Glasgow gentry. Illustrated by permanent photographs by Annan. 2d ed. Glasgow: J. Maclehose 1878.
Appleton, Thomas Gold. Chequer-work. Boston: Roberts brothers 1879.
The Art-union. London: W. Thomas 1839.
Auer, Alois, and K.K. Hof- und Staatsdruckerei (Austria). Der polygraphische Apparat: oder, Die verschiedenen Kunstfächer der k. k. Hof-und Staatsdruckerei zu Wien. Wien: Aus der Kaiserlich-königlichen Hof- und Staatsdruckerei 1853.
Ayling, Stephen, and Shakspeare Gallery. The Shakespeare gallery. London; New York: G. Routledge 1867.
Beale, Lionel S. How to work with the microscope. 3d ed. Philadelphia: Lindsay and Blakiston 1865.
Beardsley, Aubrey, and Frederick H. Evans. Grotesques. n.p.: Priv. print. 1913.
Bedford, Francis, and W. M. Thompson. The Holy Land, Egypt, Constantinople, Athens: a series of forty-eight photographs. London: Day & son limited lithographers and publishers 6 Gate Street Lincoln’s-inn fields W.C. and the German Gallery 168 New Bond Street W. 1860.
Biblioteca y museo popular de San Fernando. Catálogo de los libros, mapas, cuadros, bustos, y demas objetos que contiene. Buenos Aires: Taller Tipográfico de la Penitenciaría 1890.
Blackburn, Jane, James Wilson, painter Animal, and A. naturalist. Illustrations of Scripture. Edinburgh: photographed for T. Constable 1854.
Bohlmann, Hans H. Photograph album of China: 1932.
———. Photograph album of Europe and North Africa: 1930.
Bonfils, Félix. Souvenirs d’Orient: album pittoresque des sites, villes et ruines les plus remarquables de la Terre-Sainte. Alais (Gard): Chez l’auteur 1878.
Boston City Hospital. Medical and surgical report of the Boston City Hospital. Boston, Mass.: Little Brown and Co. 1870.
Boston Music Hall (Boston Mass.), Fisher Brothers (Firm: Boston Mass.), and J.H. & F.F. Farwell (Firm). Grand complimentary testimonial to Camilla Urso: in recognition of her one hundredth performance in this city: on Saturday evening, March 23rd, 1867: programme. Boston: Boston Music Hall 1867.
Brady, Mathew B., Chas Paxson, Jas E. M’Clees, and E. & H.T. Anthony (Firm). Portrait photograph album. graphic.
Brion, Gustave, and A. A. Turner. Illustrations to “Les misérables,” of Victor Hugo. New York: Carleton 1863.
Burbank, W. H., Ernest Edwards, W. D. Holmes, and David H. McAlpin. Photographic printing methods: a practical guide to the professional and amateur worker. New York: Scovill Manufacturing Co. 1887.
Burgess, James. Report on the antiquities in the Bidar and Aurangabad districts, in the territories of His Highness the Nizam of Haidarabad, being the result of the third season’s operations of the Archæological Survey of Western India, 1875-76, Archæological survey of Western India (Series); [v.3]. London: W. H. Allen and co. etc. 1878.
Burlington Fine Arts Club., and Henry Wallis. The art of ancient Egypt: a series of photographic plates representing objects from the exhibition of the art of ancient Egypt. London: privately printed for the subscribers 1895.
Bury, Edward, John Davy, Chr Johnson, M. C. Cooke, and Negretti and Zambra. Polycystins: figures of remarkable forms &c. in the Barbados chalk deposit (chiefly collected by Dr. Davy, and noticed in a lecture delivered to the Agricultural Society of Barbados, in July, 1846). Second / ed. London: Published by W. Wheldon 1869.
Caldesi and Montecchi. Photographs of the “Gems of the Art Treasures Exhibition,” Manchester, 1857. 2 vols. London Manchester: P. & D. Colnaghi; T. Agnew and Sons 1858.
Cameron, Julia Margaret Pattle, Alfred Tennyson Tennyson, Peter Marié, and Edward B. Marks. Illustrations to Tennyson’s Idylls of the King, and other poems. London: Henry S. King 1875.
Carter, C. W., and Jno Olsen. Carter & Olsen’s circle panoramic view and pictorial directory of Salt Lake City: photographed from middle east tower of temple. Salt Lake City: s.n.
China Mail. The Peep Show. Hongkong: China Mail Office 1875.
Cook, C. E. Photographic views of Lynn, Mass., with historical sketches from 1629 to 1879: also, a list of enterprising business houses. Lynn, Mass.: Josiah W. Heal 1879.
Craddock, Thomas. Peterborough cathedral; a general, architectural, and monastic history. Peterborough Eng.: J. S. Clarke 1864.
Cundall, Joseph, Pieter Scheltema, and Daniel Daulby. The life and genius of Rembrandt. The most celebrated of Rembrandt’s etchings; thirty photographs taken from the collections in the British museum, and in the possession of Mr. Seymour Haden. London: Bell and Daldy; etc. etc. 1867.
Dodgson, Charles Lutwidge, and Morris Longstreth Parrish. Lewis Carroll photograph albums, between 1857 and 1862.
Duemichen, Johannes. Resultate der auf befehl sr. majestät des königs Wilhelm I. von Preussen im sommer 1868 nach Aegypten entsendeten archäologisch-photographische expedition Th. I. Berlin: A. Duncker 1869.
Dyer, Thomas Henry. The ruins of Pompeii: a series of eighteen photographic views, with an account of the destruction of the city, and a description of the most interesting remains. London: Bell and Daldy 1867.
Ehninger, John Whetton. Autograph etchings by American artists, produced by a new application of photographic art. New York: W.A. Townsend & Company 1859.
Ehninger, John Whetton, and Mathew B. Brady. Illustrations of Longfellow’s Courtship of Miles Standish. New York: Rudd & Carleton 1859.
Elliot, Frances, Bernhard Tauchnitz Verlag, and Frank O. Briggs. Diary of an idle woman in Italy. Copyright ed. Leipzig: Bernhard Tauchnitz 1872.
Elliot, W. J. The Spurs. Spur, Tex.: The Texas Spur 1939.
Falkener, Edward, Cox and Wyman, M. & N. Hanhart Chromo Lith., and Day & Son. Dædalus: or, The causes and principles of the excellence of Greek sculpture. London: Longman Green Longman & Roberts 1860.
Fergusson, James, and Robert Gill. The rock-cut temples of India. London: J. Murray 1864.
Francis, Charles S. Sport among the Rockies. The record of a fishing and hunting trip in North-Western Montana. Troy, N.Y.: Troy Daily times Job Printing Establishment 1889.
Frith, Francis. Egypt and Palestine. 2 vols. London; New York: J.S. Virtue 1858.
———. The gossiping photographer on the Rhine. Reigate: Frith.
———. Upper Egypt and Ethiopia. London: W. Mackenzie 1862.
Frith, Francis, William Mackenzie, Victoria, Gilbert McCallum, and John Leighton. The Holy Bible: containing the Old and New Testaments, translated out of the original tongues, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised, by His Majesty’s special command: appointed to be read in churches. Glasgow. Edinburgh. London: Printed and published by William Mackenzie 1862.
Frith, Francis, Sophia Lane Poole, and Reginald Stuart Poole. Cairo, Sinai, Jerusalem, and the pyramids of Egypt: a series of sixty photographic views. London New York: J.S. Virtue; Virtue & Co. 1860.
———. Egypt, Sinai, and Jerusalem: a series of twenty photographic views. London: James S. Virtue 1858.
Galton, Francis. Inquiries into human faculty and its development. London: Macmillan 1883.
Gardner, Alexander, Alfred R. Waud, George N. Barnard, Timothy H. O’Sullivan, family Coleridge, and Chanter’s House (Ottery St. Mary Devon England). Library. Gardner’s photographic sketch book of the war. Washington, D.C.: Philp & Solomons 1865.
Geographical Surveys West of the 100th Meridian (U.S.), George M. Wheeler, A. A. Humphreys, and H. G. Wright. Report upon United States Geographical surveys west of the one hundredth meridian. Washington: Govt. Print. Off. 1875.
George, H. B., and Ernest Edwards. The Oberland and its glaciers: explored and illustrated with ice-axe and camera. London: A. W. Bennett 1866.
Gray, Thomas. Poems and letters. London: Chiswick Press 1863.
Grimm, Alfred, Maxime Du Camp, and Francis Frith. Ägypten: die photographische Entdeckung im 19. Jahrhundert. 1. Aufl. ed, Edition photographica. München: Laterna Magica 1980.
Groom Napier, Charles Ottley. The book of nature and the book of man: in which is accepted as the type of creation, the microcosm, the great pivot on which all lower forms of life turn. London: J.C. Hotten 1870.
Growse, F. S. Mathurá: a district memoir. 2 vols. Allahabad? Printed at the North-western Provinces Government Press 1874.
Guillaume, Ch Ed. Les radiations nouvelles. Les rayons X et la photographie à travers les corps opaques. Paris: Gauthier-Villars 1896.
Harrington, Charles, and Joseph Collier. Summering in Colorado. Denver: Richards & Co. 1878.
Harrisse, Henry, and Samuel L. M. Barlow. Notes on Columbus. New York Cambridge, Mass.: Privately printed; Riverside Press 1866.
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, and Bernhard Tauchnitz Verlag. Transformation, or, The romance of Monte Beni. Copyright ed. Leipzig: Bernhard Tauchnitz 1860.
Hayden, F. V., Andrew J. Russell, and Julius Bien. Sun pictures of Rocky Mountain scenery: with a description of the geographical and geological features, and some account of the resources of the great West; containing thirty photographic views along the line of the Pacific rail road, from Omaha to Sacramento. New York: J. Bien 1870.
Heldring, L. Reisindrukken in het Oosten. Rotterdam: J.M. Bredée 1900.
Hemenway, Abby Maria, and Mercantile Library of Philadelphia. Poets and poetry of Vermont. Rutland: George A. Tuttle & company 1858.
Hill, Nathaniel, Guillaume, Katherine Isabela Cust, and John Lydgate. The ancient poem of Guillaume de Guileville: entitled Le pèlerinage de l’homme, compared with the Pilgrim’s progress of John Bunyan. London: B. M. Pickering 1858.
Hillard, E. B. The last men of the Revolution. A photograph of each from life, together with views of their homes printed in colors. Accompanied by brief biographical sketches of the men. Hartford: N. A. & R. A. Moore 1864.
Himes, Charles F. A sketch of Dickinson College, Carlisle, Penn’a, including the list of trustees and faculty from the Foundation, and a more particular account of the Scientific Department. Harrisburg: L.S. Hart 1879.
Holbein, Hans, and Frederick H. Evans. The dance of death. London: Priv. Print. 1913.
Homes of American statesmen. New York. London: G.P. Putnam; S. Low 1854.
Homes of American statesmen; with anecdotical, personal, and descriptive sketches. Hartford, London: O. D. Case & co.; S. Low son & co. 1855.
Horace, John Bond, Noël Desvergers, Fr Dübner, Félix Joseph Barrias, Achille Benouville, Pietro Rosa, Etienne Huyot, and Augustin François Lemaitre. Quinti Horatii Flacci Opera. Paris: F. Didot 1855.
Howe, S. G. The Cretan refugees and their American helpers: A statement addressed to the contributors for the relief of Cretan refugees. Boston: Lee and Shepard 1868.
Howitt, Margaret, and Robert O. Dougan Collection of Historical Photographs and Photographic Literature at Princeton. Twelve months with Frederika Bremer in Sweden. 2 vols. London: Jackson Walford and Hodder 1866.
Howitt, William, Mary Howitt, Francis Bedford, William Russell Sedgfield, G. W. Wilson, and Roger Fenton. Ruined abbeys and castles of Great Britain. London: A. W. Bennett 1862.
Humbert, Lewis Macnaughten, and William Savage. Memorials of the Hospital of St. Cross and Alms House of Noble Poverty. Winchester Eng.: W. Savage 1868.
Jackson, William Henry. New Mexico. Denver: W.H. Jackson & Co.
———. Wonder-places: the most perfect pictures of magnificent scenes in the Rocky Mountains. The master-works of the world’s greatest photographic artist. Chicago; Denver: The Great Divide Publishing Co. 1894.
Johnson, Edward. The Fen and Marshland churches: a series of photographs, with short historical and architectural descriptive notes. 3 vols. Wisbech England. London: Leach and Son; Simpkin Marshall and Co. 1867.
Kingsley, Charles. Westward ho! or, The voyages and adventures of Sir Amyas Leigh, knight, of Burrough, in the county of Devon, in the reign of Her Most Glorious Majesty Queen Elizabeth. New York: Macmillan 1887.
Kinloch, Alexander Angus Airlie. Large game shooting in Thibet and the North West. London: Harrison 1869.
Kinopocket. Rome: Stabilimento Kinografico.
Kneeland, Samuel, and John P. Soule. The wonders of the Yosemite Valley, and of California. 3d ed. Boston, New York: A. Moore etc. Lee Shepard & Dillingham 1872.
———. The wonders of the Yosemite Valley, and of California. Boston: A. Moore 1871.
Konstantinou, Dimitris, and L. B. Darnton. Photograph album of Greece and Greek antiquities, ca. 1850s-1870s.
L’Italica editoriale presenta il trittico Come li ho visti. 2. ed. 3 vols. Milano: Italica Editorale 1930.
Laviarde, Achille. Nouvelle aérostation. Reims: Impr. de A. Lagarde 1871.
Lawrence, Amos, William R. Lawrence, and William Henry Low. Extracts from the diary and correspondence of the late Amos Lawrence: with a brief account of some incidents in his life. Boston, New York: Gould and Lincoln; Sheldon Lamport & Blakeman etc. etc. 1855.
Le Roy, F. N. Promenade historique, archéologique et artistique dans la ville de Genève. Genève: Desrogis.
LeConte, Joseph, and Robert O. Dougan Collection of Historical Photographs and Photographic Literature at Princeton. A journal of ramblings through the high sierras of California by the “University excursion party.” San Francisco: Francis & Valentine 1875.
Lee, John Edward, and Spottiswoode & Co. Roman imperial photographs: being a selection of forty enlarged photographs of Roman coins. London: Longmans Green and co. 1874.
Leslie, Charles Robert. A hand-book for young painters. London: J. Murray 1855.
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, Francis Frith, Frank Jewett Mather, Alfred W. Bennett, Gresham Press, and Westleys & Co. Hyperion: a romance. London: A. W. Bennett 1865.
Macaulay, Thomas Babington Macaulay, Robert O. Dougan Collection of Historical Photographs and Photographic Literature at Princeton., and Dollar Institution. Biographies by Lord Macaulay contributed to the Encyclopædia Britannica; with notes of his connection with Edinburgh, and extracts from his letters and speeches. Edinburgh: Adam and Charles Black 1860.
Malley, A. Cowley, David H. McAlpin, and Camera Club of New York. Photo-micrography: including a description of the wet collodion and gelatino-bromide processes: with the best methods of mounting and preparing microscopic objects for photo-micrography. 2nd ed. London: H. K. Lewis 1885.
Mares, F. H. Sunny memories of Ireland’s scenic beauties: Killarney. Dublin: Brown & Nolan 1867.
Martin, Clara Barnes. Mount Desert, on the coast of Maine. 5th ed. Portland, Me.: Loring Short and Harmon 1880.
Mayall, J. E., and Elmer Adler. Portrait photograph album. graphic.
Mayo & Weed. Old Mexico, 1891. Chicago: Mayo & Weed 1891.
McAlpin, David H., Camera Club of New York, and Robert O. Dougan Collection of Historical Photographs and Photographic Literature at Princeton. American journal of photography. Philadelphia: T.H. McCollin 1879.
McAlpin, David H., E. & H.T. Anthony (Firm), and Camera Club of New York. Anthony’s photographic bulletin for. New York: E. & H.T. Anthony & Co. 1870.
Miller, Hugh. The testimony of the rocks: or, Geology in its bearings on the two theologies, natural and revealed. Boston New York Cincinnati: Gould and Lincoln; Sheldon Blakeman & Co.; George S. Blanchard 1857.
Moitessier, A. La photographie appliquée aux recherches micrographiques. Paris: J.B. Baillière 1866.
Moitessier, A., and Berthold Adolf Benecke. Die Photographie als Hilfsmittel mikroskopischer Forschung. Braunschweig: Vieweg 1868.
Moon, A. M., and William Moon. In memoriam: The Rev. W. Leeves, author of the air of “Auld Robin Gray.” with a few notices of other members of his family. Brighton: Printed for private circulation 1873.
Moon, Carl, and Robert D. Haines. Carl Moon, photographer & illustrator of the American Southwest: catalogue 83—a selection of vintage photographs, original art, and related material. San Francisco (786-792 Sutter St., San Francisco 94109): Argonaut Book Shop 1982.
Morris, Henry, Michael Bixler, Winifred Bixler, Henry Morris, Bird & Bull Press, and Campbell-Logan Bindery. My log & diary, 1994-2005: interspersed with anecdotes and observations on book collecting, printing, private presses and other bookish matters. Newtown, Pa.: Bird & Bull Press 2005.
Mulnier, Jules, Félix Nadar, and Goupil & Cie. Galerie contemporaine, littéraire, artistique. Paris: L. Baschet 1876.
Nantucket: September 1938. S.l.: s.n. 1938.
Nasmyth, James, and James Carpenter. The moon, considered as a planet, a world, and a satellite. 2d ed. London: J. Murray 1874.
Neal, Avon, and Ann Parker. Early American stone sculpture: found in the burying grounds of New England. New York: Sweetwater Editions 1981.
Nelson, Thomas James. Richmond Park; extracts from the records of Parliament and of the corporation of London relating to the transfer to and possession of Richmond Park by the city of London, A.D. 1649-60; a bye-path of history. London: Blades East & Blades 1883.
New York (State). State Survey., James T. Gardiner, Frederick Law Olmsted, and Louis Hennepin. Special report of New York State Survey on the preservation of the scenery of Niagara Falls. Albany: C. Van Benthuysen 1880.
New York Metropolitan Fair 1864. A record of the Metropolitan Fair: in aid of the United States Sanitary Commission, held at New York, in April, 1864., with photographs. New York: Hurd & Houghton 1867.
Offenbach, Jacques, Michael Powell, Emeric Pressburger, Moira Shearer, Robert Helpmann, Leonide Massine, Robert Rounseville, Ludmila Tcherina, Ann Ayars, Janus Films., and Studio Canal. The tales of Hoffmann. United States: Janus Films: StudioCanal 2005. videorecording.
Pach Brothers, and Franklin Blake Morse. Album of postcards on the European war, and photographs of war posters: 1912. graphic.
Pagé, Victor Wilfred. Airplane inspection, repair and maintenance; shop equipment, airplane repairs, mechanical processes, including comprehensive instructions for manipulation of all important materials of construction, especially dural and aluminum alloys. New York: Aeronautical Digest Pub. Corp. 1937.
Parker, Ann, and Avon Neal. Los ambulantes: the itinerant photographers of Guatemala. North Brookfield, Mass.: Thistle Hill Press 1982.
Photographs of Ekaterinburg. Ekaterinburg: s.n. 1896.
Pilade, Imbrico. Studi sulla costruzione e sul funzionamento dell’antropometro. Roma: Tip. Di Mario Armanni 1888.
Ponti, Carlo. Souvenir photographique de Venise. Venise: Charles Ponti opticien et photographe.
———. Souvenir photographique de Venise. Venise: Chez Charles Ponti opticien.
Portrait photograph album. graphic.
Price, Henry Clay. How to make pictures: easy lessons for the amateur photographer. Rev. ed. New York: Scovill Manufacturing Co. 1882.
Procter, Adelaide Anne, Charles Dickens, and Payne Jennings. Legends and lyrics; a book of verses. London: G. Bell 1882.
Proctor, Richard A. The moon: her motions aspect, scenery, and physical condition. New York: D. Appleton 1873.
Rhomaides frères., and Félix Bonfils. Grece: photograph album, 1868-1893?
Robert O. Dougan Collection of Historical Photographs and Photographic Literature at Princeton. Photographs of the Clyde, with descriptive letterpress. Glasgow London Dublin: Andrew Duthie; Simpkin Marshall & Co.; W.H. Smith & Son. 1867.
Rossetti, Dante Gabriel, and Frederick H. Evans. Woodcuts from drawings for Tennyson’s Poems by D.G. Rossetti: platinotype enlargements from the original edition of 1857. London? s.n. 1919.
Ruschenberger, W. S. W., Frederick Gutekunst, Edward Curtis, and United States. Navy Dept. Bureau of Medicine and Surgery. A report on the origin and therapeutic properties of cundurango. Washington: Government Printing Office 1873.
Savage, Naomi. Portfolio. Princeton, NJ: Princeton Gallery of Fine Art 1981.
Scott, Walter. The Lord of the isles. London: Provost 1871.
Scott, Walter, Myles Birket Foster, John Gilbert, and G. W. Wilson. The lady of the lake. Author’s ed. Edinburgh: Adam and Charles Black 1869.
Scott, Walter, William Russell Sedgfield, and Robert O. Dougan Collection of Historical Photographs and Photographic Literature at Princeton. The lay of the last minstrel. London: Provost & Co. 1872.
Sebah & Joaillier. Panorama de Constantinople pris de la tour de Galata. Istanbul? Sebah & Joaillier?
Seddon, John Pollard, and Chiswick Press. Rambles in the Rhine provinces. London: John Murray 1868.
Shadbolt, S. H. The Afghan campaigns, of 1878-1880. London: S. Low Marston Searle and Rivington 1882.
Shakespeare, William, and J. Landy. Shakspere’s Seven ages. Cincinnati: R. Clarke & co. 1876.
Shakespeare, William, and Robert Smirke. The seuen ages of man. London: L. Booth and S. Ayling 1864.
Shawmut Avenue Baptist Church (Boston Mass.), and Robert O. Dougan Collection of Historical Photographs and Photographic Literature at Princeton. A souvenir of our pastor, the Rev. William Hague, D.D. Boston: Published by the Covenant Band of the Shawmut Avenue Baptist Church 1869.
Slingsby, Robert, David H. McAlpin, and Camera Club of New York. A treatise on magnesium flash-light photography for various subjects: with methods for its application practically considered. London: Marion 1890.
Small, H. Beaumont, and John Taylor. The Canadian handbook and tourist’s guide; giving a description of Canadian lake and river scenery and places of historical interest with the best spots for fishing and shooting. Montreal: M. Longmoore & Co. 1867.
Smith, Francis Pettit, John Bourne, Joseph Miller, and Maull & Polyblank. On the introduction and progress of the screw propeller: with statistics of the comparative economy of screw ships and paddle vessels for Her Majesty’s service, &c., &c. Greenwich: Printed by W.H. Crockford 1856.
Smith, Theophilus. Sheffield and its neighbourhood. London: A. W. Bennett 1865.
———. Wharncliffe, Wortley, and the valley of the Don. London: A. W. Bennett 1864.
Smyth, Charles Piazzi. Teneriffe, an astronomer’s experiment: or, Specialities of a residence above the clouds. London: L. Reeve 1858.
Southey, Reginald, Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, Hugh Welch Diamond, John Dillwyn Llewelyn, Reginald Southey, and Ronald Southey. Photograph album 5, between 1855 and 1857.
Southey, Reginald, Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, and Reginald Southey. Photograph album 1, between 1856 and 1858.
———. Photograph album 2, between 1856 and 1858.
Southey, Reginald, and Reginald Southey. Photograph album 3, between 1856 and 1871.
Stillé, Charles J. Memorial of the Great Central Fair for the U. S. Sanitary Commission, held at Philadelphia, June 1864. Philadelphia: U.S. Sanitary Commission 1864.
Storrs, Richard S., and Robert O. Dougan Collection of Historical Photographs and Photographic Literature at Princeton. One who laid down his life for his brethren. A sermon, in memory of Robert Sedgwick Edwards, preached in the Church of the Pilgrims, Brooklyn, N.Y. Brooklyn: Union Steam Presses 1864.
Talbot, William Henry Fox, Nicolaas Henneman, Benjamin Cowderoy, James Hayday, and William Twopeny. The pencil of nature. London: Longman Brown Green & Longmans 1844.
Taylor, James Hudson, and China Inland Mission. China’s millions. London: Morgan and Scott 1877.
Tissandier, Gaston, David H. McAlpin, and Camera Club of New York. La photographie en ballon. Paris: Gauthier-Villars 1886.
Tuckerman, Henry T. Book of the artists. American artist life, comprising biographical and critical sketches of American artists: preceded by an historical account of the rise and progress of art in America. New York: G. P. Putnam & sons; etc. etc. 1867.
United States. Committee on Public Information. United States Committee on Public Information photograph collection: 1917.
University of Oxford., and University of Cambridge. The Oxford and Cambridge magazine. London: Bell and Daldy 1856.
Van Gruisen, N. L. A holiday in Iceland. London: E. Stock 1879.
Vaux, Richard. Brief sketch of the origin and history of the State Penitentiary for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, at Philadelphia. Philadelphia: McLaughlin Brothers 1872.
Vermorel, A., Pierre Petit, and Trinquart. Ces dames: physionomies parisiennes ornées de portraits. 3e éd. ed. Paris: s.n. 1860.
Victoria, Arthur Helps, and G. W. Wilson. Leaves from the journal of our life in the Highlands, from 1848 to 1861: to which are prefixed and added extracts from the same journal giving an account of earlier visits to Scotland, and tours in England and Ireland, and yachting excursions. London: Smith Elder and Co. 1868.
Vogel, Hermann Wilhelm. Handbook of the practice and art of photography. 2nd ed. Philadelphia: Benerman & Wilson 1875.
Vogel, Hermann Wilhelm, David H. McAlpin, and Camera Club of New York. Photographische Kunstlehre, oder, Die künstlerischen Grundsätze der Lichtbildnerei: für Fachmänner und Liebhaber. Berlin: R. Oppenheim (G. Schmidt) 1891.
W.P.B. Vi. England.: June 25th. 1896.
Walcott, Mackenzie E. C., and William Phillips. The four minsters round the Wrekin: Buildwas, Haughmond, Lilleshull and Wenlock, with ground plans. Shrewsbury London: Adnitt & Naunton; Simpkin Marshall & co. 1877.
Walmsley, Hugh Mulleneux. The chasseur d’Afrique, and other tales. 2d. ed. London: Chapman and Hall 1865.
Warren’s (Firm: Boston Mass.). and Sarony (Firm: New York N.Y.). American literary photographs, c. 1875. S.l.: s.n. 1875.
Warren, John Collins. Remarks on some fossil impressions in the sandstone rocks of Connecticut River. Boston: Ticknor and Fields 1854.
Watts, William Lord. Snioland; or, Iceland, its jokulls and fjalls. London: Longmans and co. 1875.
Webb, Richard Davis. The life and letters of Captain John Brown. London: Smith Elder and Co. 1861.
Whittier, John Greenleaf, and Harriet Langdon Pruyn Rice. Snow-bound: a winter idyl. Boston: Houghton Mifflin 1905.
Wilson, Edward L., David H. McAlpin, and Camera Club of New York. Wilson’s photographic magazine. New York: E.L. Wilson 1889.
Wilson, Edward L., David H. McAlpin, Camera Club of New York, and Robert O. Dougan Collection of Historical Photographs and Photographic Literature at Princeton. The Philadelphia photographer. Philadelphia, Pa.: Benerman & Wilson 1864.
Wordsworth, William, Thomas Ogle, and Robert O. Dougan Collection of Historical Photographs and Photographic Literature at Princeton. Our English lakes, mountains, and waterfalls. London: A. W. Bennett 1864.
Wright, Hendrick B. Historical sketches of Plymouth, Luzerne Co., Penna. Philadelphia: T.B. Peterson & Brothers 1873.
Wyatt, M. Digby, Edmund Oldfield, and Arundel Society (London England). Notices of sculpture in ivory, consisting of a lecture on the history, methods, and chief productions of the art, delivered at the first annual general meeting of the Arundel society, on the 29th June, 1855. London: The Arundel society 1856.
Wyeth, S. D. The rotunda and dome of the U. S. Capitol. Washington, D.C.: Gibson brothers printers 1869.
Zabriskie, Francis Nicoll. History of the Reformed P.D. Church of Claverack: a centennial address. Hudson, N.Y.: S.B. Miller 1867.
You asked for additional titles with photograph illustrations. One title in my collection is Schiller's Song of the Bell, 1874, Stroefer & Kirchner. Translation by W. H. Furness with original photograph illustrations hand mounted from illustration by C. Jaeger and A. Mueller. Decorated leather. Folio size. Gilt all edges. Silk moire endpapers. The photographs are of fine quality and I am interested in learning more about the printing technique and color, which has a sepia tone with greater depth and luminosity.
Thank you for your site.