“… at 301 Bedford Avenue (at South First Street) is Brand-Name Damages, opened in December by an artists’ collective called the Justice League of America, whose members are mostly recent and current students at the nearby Pratt Institute. The 25 members, who pay $40 a month to support the gallery, meet on Sunday afternoons to determine their activities, which include a homemade magazine called Zinemag.”
Thank goodness New York Times art critic Roberta Smith included this comment in her survey of small, new Brooklyn galleries, published March 23 1990. Without it, we would never know what we had found when this uncatalogued issue of the periodical/artists’ book Zinemag turned up. No other copies are listed on OCLC or in Arcade, the catalog for members of the New York Art Resources Consortium (NYARC). We would certainly be interested in completing the run, if anyone kept their issues.
Zinemag, no. 5, October 1990. Edition: 150. Graphic Arts (GAX) 2010- in process
That cover was my artwork (woodblock) and printed by me on cardboard at Watanabe Studios on Scholes St.in Brooklyn.
-Rober Meyer